Shiftos Download

ShiftOS 0.2 - Shifty Skin: This version will be the first to involve a very basic first shift. There will be 5 desktop backgrounds (on boot one will be randomly selected) and 5 window themes (stuff like the appearance of title bars, window borders and buttons) that will randomly be chosen at boot. Shift light free download - Eye Protector Night shift blue light filter 2019, Shift, Shift, and many more programs.

I've been wanting to start working on ShiftOS (A future distro I'm planning to develop) for a while now but due to lack of time and difficulty choosing a base distro and live cd creation tool I've been put off. Recently I've been greatly enjoying Arch Linux and I love exploring new software and alternatives to the common stuff we do. I've discovered Archiso allows you to create your own arch based distro and this may just be the base of ShiftOS if it can achieve the following goals I have with ShiftOS:


ShiftOS is aimed to provide a completely different user experience every time you boot your computer. Initially the Shifts between boots will be extremely basic but as I continue to develop it the distro will feel like a different distro every time you boot into it. What will change exactly? EVERYTHING! This means your software will be different, your desktop environment or window manager will be different and even the basic desktop layout, wallpaper, themes and 'desktop software' (stuff like having a dock app launcher or conky) will change each boot. Much later into development I plan to add live shifts allowing the distro to shift at set or random intervals while you use it.

ShiftOS is all about exploring. It's for distro hoppers who want to distro hop without distro hopping. When a shift occurs you are forced into that shift or way of doing things (unless you use the command line/terminal). I'll achieve this with having lots of software, backgrounds, themes, window managers and desktop managers secretly pre-installed but randomly select at boot or even during a live shift which to reveal to the user. To force you to try new software 'you will only be able to use one piece of software from each category at a time' (technically you could still use a terminal to access any of the installed programs). To control this a menu, dock or some other program launcher will randomly be loaded with shortcuts to certain software. Each slot will randomly be filled with one piece of software of that slots genre. For example the first slot could be a web browser. In this case a script would generate a random number and if that number is 1 the shortcut will be to Firefox, if the number is 2 the shortcut will be to chrome and so on. This progress would continue for each of the other categories until the entire dock is filled with a new set of random software each reboot.

When I first start ShiftOS the dynamics of the shifts will be very basic and honestly poor. Here's what I mean:

ShiftOS 0.1 - Shiftless: This will be a basic distro that can automatically boot into a set desktop environment (e.g. KDE). It will feature a dock such as docky and a custom but static layout. There will be one web browser, one graphics editor, one audio editor, one video editor, one game and one type of lots of other software too... there will be one desktop background, one theme and one whatever else you can think of. Overall this will just test my ability to be able to create a live cd.

ShiftOS 0.2 - Shifty Skin: This version will be the first to involve a very basic first shift. There will be 5 desktop backgrounds (on boot one will be randomly selected) and 5 window themes (stuff like the appearance of title bars, window borders and buttons) that will randomly be chosen at boot. In other words 5x5 means there will be 25 different combinations of appearances when you boot it.

ShiftOS 0.3 - Soft Shifts: This version will have multiple types of software from each category installed. At random each slot in the dock will be filled with a random program from each genre. There should be at least 3 programs installed for each category. To emphasis and celebrate the program shifts the dock will now also have its theme changed between 5 different themes every reboot.

Future versions are not yet planned as I want to get ShiftOS 0.3 done before I start planning ahead too far and overwhelming myself with it all...

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Anyway now for my question... Can this be achieved with Archiso? Could I have scripts or my own software that changes these kind of things at boot or maybe live with the press of a button while the distro is running? Also let's say I have kde installed. Would Archiso allow me to set up a KDE layout rather than just have the default KDE layout on the live usb?

Thanks in advance for your help :)

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Last edited by 12padams (2013-09-06 13:29:56)