Followliker Mac

With Followliker, basically every setting can be configured. It’s always nice to have the option to change the limits, delays, and all kinds of settings. Granted, there is a learning curve. The Wizard makes things easy though. Great customization! Plenty of Filters and Queries 👍 Followliker has plenty of filters and queries too. Nov 10, 2019 With Followliker, basically every setting can be configured. It’s always nice to have the option to change the limits, delays, and all kinds of settings. Granted, there is a learning curve. The Wizard makes things easy though. Great customization! Plenty of Filters and Queries 👍 Followliker has plenty of filters and queries too.

FollowLiker is a multi-purpose software that you can use to manage your social media accounts and automate various tasks.

You have to read more about mac and followliker to get awareness about their working. Read the guide of Followliker, you may find something useful for that. Mar 11, 2016 #8. Dghuk Newbie. Joined: Jan 9, 2016 Messages: 45 Likes Received: 3. Jarvee only has Windows compatibility, meanwhile FollowLiker supports Windows, Linux, and MAC. With that in mind, this is not one of those toggle-and-forget tools. It requires a moderate amount of time to configure the scripts to deliver the best (and safest) results. In other words, it has more of a learning curve. FollowLiker Features. Followliker free. download full Edition - Full Working Version!!!HOT! FOLLOW STEPS BELOW TO DOWNLOAD FOLLOWLIKER NOW! 1:CLICK BUTTON BELOW TO DOWNLOAD FOLLOW LIKER SETUP ZIP FILE.

In this FollowLiker review we’ll be examining the Instagram version of the product to see how it holds up compared to our recommend selection.

If you’re considering purchasing FollowLiker, continue reading this review to see what we think about the product.

When you’re done you’ll know exactly how the software works, the pros and cons, how it compares to alternative tools, and if it’s something we recommend for Instagram automation.

Before we start, take a moment to look at our recommended tools.

Our Recommended Tools:

There are a handful of automation tools we recommend on this website, to read the full list check out this article, in this section we’ll cover two from the list:

Upleap is an innovative automation service, because it’s not a script running on your account, but rather a real human professional social media manager that takes control of your Instagram.

The great part about this tool is it costs a fraction of what a normal social media account manager would cost, although the benefits are practically the same. It’s a win win.

KENJI does not hire social media account managers, it is an Instagram bot. We like KENJI because it is budget friendly, one of the cheapest automation tools out there, and it uses advanced AI to perform actions, well within Instagram’s anti-spam guidelines.

Now that you have an idea of what we recommend, let’s continue with the FollowLiker review.

What is FollowLiker?

FollowLiker is an all-in-one social media management software. The goal of the software is to grow your account by automating tasks for you, it won’t directly spam your account with new followers.

Currently, the company offers four editions:

  1. Instagram
  2. Twitter
  3. Pinterest
  4. Tumblr

The focus of this review will be on the Instagram edition. With the Instagram edition, you can perform the usual Instagram automation tasks, such as: like photos, follow/unfollow users, post comments, share photos, and many other features we’ll talk about later on.


One thing to keep in mind is this is not an online-based platform, it is a software. You have to download and install it on your computer much like any other software, and it can only run when it’s open and active.

Sound familiar? We reviewed a very similar product recently.

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The core difference between this program and Jarvee is this one provides more support for operating systems. Jarvee only has Windows compatibility, meanwhile FollowLiker supports Windows, Linux, and MAC.

With that in mind, this is not one of those toggle-and-forget tools. It requires a moderate amount of time to configure the scripts to deliver the best (and safest) results. In other words, it has more of a learning curve.

FollowLiker Features:

FollowLiker offers most of the usual Instagram automation features. I couldn’t find much that was unique to this particular tool that other tools don’t already provide, although there are a few features worth talking about.

1 – Follow Users who Interact With Your Account.


Most Instagram automation tools offer automatic follow and unfollow features, but this one is a little different. With this service the tool will automatically follow people who interact with your account in some way.

For example, you can configure the bot to automatically follow users who like a photo or leave a comment on your content. It’s a useful feature that has the potential to bring in more followers.

2. Auto-Save Content


This service leans a little to the grey-area. What it does is automatically download the content of a target account and save all the photos to your hard disk.

From there you can choose to re-upload the photos on your account (FollowLiker has an upload service too), essentially automating the content creation task for you. Although I don’t recommend this kind of content creation, some people have found it quite helpful.

3. Shuffle Tasks


As you might imagine, this shuffles the task order to create a random pattern to bypass Instagram’s spam filters. The shuffle task feature is quite useful because it makes your account activity look more human, instead of repeating the same tasks, in the same order, over and over.

4. Adding Queries for Scraping


Scraping is another way of saying “search-for” and with FollowLiker you can scrape accounts that meet certain requirements. This particular feature is useful because it guarantees that you’ll only interact with active accounts. Nobody wants followers that are inactive, it does nothing to improve your business. I’ll explain how it works.

In the Scrape User window, there is a set of checklists you can toggle, such as: Scrape Only Top Results, Ignore Private Users, Ignore Users with No Profile Pictures, etc.

Once you do that, in the section below where it shows a list of queries, right click on the white area, and select New (or import if you already have a list). From here you can add all sorts of useful filters from the drop down list, as well as the target account.

So what it does is examine the followers of a certain account and follow the ones that match your filters. You need to add a query (the target user) and then select a query type.

One of the common query targets is “Users Who Have Commented” which follows only the fans of the target account who have left a comment on that account.

There are many other queries you can establish too, which can really improve the quality of fans you accumulate with this tool. Everyone needs active fans, and this is one way to do that.

5. Upload and Schedule Posts


Scheduling posts is always useful. With FollowLiker you can choose to upload images from your computer and schedule them to a certain time and date. With this feature you can always have content hitting your account, a great way to increase interaction.

You can also combine this feature with the auto-save one mentioned earlier, to essentially upload other people’s posts on a set schedule. This can work well for motivation quotes or memes, but I don’t recommend doing it with actual copyrighted material.


Setting Up FollowLiker:

Once again, since this is an actual software, it can’t run unless it has a machine to run on. In other words, you’ll have to have it open on your computer and active in order for it to perform.

The problem here is that it’s only active when our computer is on, and there’s a good chance we aren’t home all day to run it. Not to mention it could slow down our computer as well.

The solution:

To have the tool run 24/7 in the background, a Virtual Private Server (VPS) is needed. Setting up a VPS can be a bit of a challenge if you have never done it before, and usually a subscription fee is required too (expect anywhere from $10 – $30 a month).

Keep in mind the tool needs at least 2 GB of RAM and above to function without hiccups, so make sure the VPS you choose has the right amount of RAM.

On that note, remember the license only allows you to run the program on one machine. You can switch between machines, but it can only be active on one machine at a time.

The VPS fees on top of the FollowerLike license fees can add up to quite a bit every month. Best make sure it’s worth it.

Hint: Of course, this all can be avoided if you choose one of our recommend Instagram tools, which handle all the server and hardware issues for you. And they’re much easier to use too!

P.S. FollowLiker also supports proxies, so you can log in and manage more than one Instagram account at a time. But that’s another fee to add to the bill. Proxies usually cost around the same as Virtual Private Servers, especially the quality ones.

FollowLiker License Prices:

How much will all this cost you? We’ll breakdown the cost here. The subscription payment structure is a little different than most tools.

There are three types of accounts:

(The price is the same for Twitter, Tumblr, and Pinterest)

1 Account:

$57.99 one-time, then $5.99 a month after the first month.


$97.99 and $5.99 every month.

Every membership type includes access to all of the features, nothing is behind a pay-wall, which is something I thought was great. The only change are to the amount of accounts you can run on the software at a given time.

When compared to other Instagram automation tools, the initial price is expensive, but then it drops to only $5.99 a month.

You might be wondering:

Doesn’t FollowLiker offer a free trial to test out the service?

From what I gathered, the tool actually does not offer a free trial, which is a major downside in my opinion. Practically all of the other Instagram automation tools offer a free trial, even Jarvee offers a week trial.

In other words, if you want to test out FollowLiker you have to actually buy a license. I couldn’t find a section for refunds either, but I imagine if you contact support they’ll refund your order.

I think the product is moderately priced. The initial fee might seem high but that includes one month, and then the price goes down to only $5.99 a month, which is lower than most tools.

However, the fact that you need to run the software on your computer or a VPS is a hassle. Not to mention the hassle of adding all the right settings and queries. Not very convenient, especially considering how convenient other tools are.

What are Other People Saying?

The overall online opinion for FollowLiker isn’t great. On Trust Pilot the website has a 1 out of 5 star rating with 86% of reviewers rating it one star. Complaints range of bad customer support to refusing refunds.

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One user even mentioned the program contains viruses and destroyed their computer. We can’t verify any of these claims, but you should be aware of the complaints.

The Downsides:

Here’s what I think could use improvement.

1. Add a Free Trial


It would be nice to have the option of trying out the product for free without having to commit. At the moment you have to pay the full fee to test the product which is not ideal. Other tools, like UpLeap, offer a free three day trial period, some offer even more.

2. Host on Company Servers


Followliker Mac 2017

It would make things a lot easier, especially for those less technically inclined. Most of our recommended tools run on the company’s servers, so why can’t FollowLiker do the same?

It’s a bit of hassle to set up Virtual Private Servers. Not to mention the program slows down your computer when it’s running in the background.

3. Improve UI


In my opinion, the UI is quite confusing and there are tons of feature and configurations you need to learn about. The tool is not very user friendly which is a shame because it has potential.

You have to study quite a bit to figure out how it all works, and then save and load your settings each time. Shape learning curve.

4. Support and FAQ Hidden From Public

Followliker Comment Settings


Oddly enough, the support and FAQ section are hidden from the public eye, forcing users to register before they can even see the FAQ section.

I feel like this should be public, so people can at least have their questions answered without having to purchase a license.


All in all, FollowerLiker is a decent tool, but it really doesn’t hold up when compared to our recommend tools. The reason for that is because it’s not very user friendly, and you need to run it on your computer.

It will take quite sometime to edit all the settings, as opposed to flipping a toggle switch on the features you want. I’m not saying it’s a bad tool, it’s just not for everyone. The fact that there’s no free trial is a bummer too.

Overall, an average product. I can see how it can be useful for some people, and it can certainly automate tasks and save you time, no doubt about it.

If you need an Instagram automation tool, there are much better options out there, that are not only easier to use, but also deliver better results.

What do you think? Have you tried FollowLiker? How do you think it compares to our recommended tools? Leave your answer in the comment section below. Thanks for taking the time to read this FollowLiker review.

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How Instagram for Mac works?

Instagram has yet to come up with its web service Instagram Web to view pictures from your computer and right now the only way to browse through your Instagram feed is through your iOS. Few applications are available; that let you interact with Instagram. Certain apps like Grids for Mac, Instagram’s desktop interface and others let you organize, like, sync, download images from the service and uploading photos directly from the computer, On Instagram for Mac Free Download. We have some unique third-party Instagram apps that allow you to browse and interact with your Instagram feed right from your desktop. Third party apps are Instadesk, Carousel, Instaview, Visual grab, and Ratatam.


Instaview is a third party app; that lets you interact with your Instagram for Mac. Instaview for Instagram has pretty well-implemented slideshow view and also with different windows setup. Instaview supports features like commenting, viewing users and loving pictures.


Visual Grab

Visual Grab is also a third party app and it is the cheapest of among all apps. On Instagram for Mac, visual grab is very simple to use with its navigation sidebar and a list like the view of your feed. It is hard around the edges, but its simplicity makes the app try its achievement.


Instadesk is Instagram for Mac client and is used as third party app to interact. Its interface resembles that of any usual Instagram app with its sidebar that works as the navigation menu and its corresponding toolbars for interacting with the photos. Your feed is shown in the main frame with adjustable views, and you can also have a timeline list view or medium or small grids. Commenting, loving, notifications, tags, searching for users, sharing and even a custom feature for creating “albums”, makes this app worth for interaction with Instagram.


Most familiar Instagram for Mac client around the world is a carousel, the third party app. It goes very well with Instagram, and its interface can’t be topped. Carousel features a list-like view of your feed and the app is very well done and intuitive.


Ratatam supports all the usual basic features like commenting, notifications and loving. Ratatam is new to the Instagram clients, and it looks quite promising so far. Its interface resembles Carousel of which it looks simple enough but very pleasant to look at and navigate through.


These above specified Instagram clients are unique in price and vary with the specifications. Among all, we recommend you the “Visual Grab“, the cheapest third party app. Nor you need the quality complete set of Instagram clients; then I claim “Instaview” for more feature.

Quality Features of Instagram for Mac Free Download

  • Instagram is faster and stable in handling the process.
  • Instagram connects all over the world.
  • Like, comment and share the photo easily in Instagram.
  • Easy sharing to social websites like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and Flickr.
  • Easy editing and customization in Instagram.
  • Unlimited photos and videos can be uploaded to Instagram.
  • Instagram users can frequently post and share their vision to the world.
  • Live commentary is possible on Instagram.
  • The user can have many followers and can follow many famous personalities in Instagram.
  • Love to share and comment the post.

Video Tutorial for Instagram for Mac

In this video tutorial, we are going to explain you the step by step procedure abstract to use Instagram for Mac. Instagram cannot be used directly in Mac despite using some third party Mac clients to interact with the Instagram for Mac. The following video will clear your doubts how Instagram can be used in Mac?

Read Also: Instagram for iOS

What’s New on Instagram for Mac

  • Comfort updates
  • Typo fix

Download Instagram for Mac

Enjoy the sharing and loved to connect with all over the world in a single click by opening Instagram for Mac Free Download. Easy sharing and live commentary can be made on Instagram and allows the user to upload many photos and videos. You can free download Instagram for Mac here and more related Instagram app for other devices too. In the market, the available products of Instagram are Instagram for Windows Pc, Instagram for Windows phone, Instagram for Android, Instagram for iPhone, Instagram for Mac, Instagram App.

Most viewed: Instagram for iPad


  • Great filter effects
  • Editing tools
  • Tagging people
  • Trending tags and places
  • Breaks out of the square
  • Multiple views
  • Easy sharing to other social media
  • Direct messaging
  • Social
  • Great privacy features
  • Layout
  • Excellent navigation
  • Access Instagram from Chrome
  • Easy to “like” photos
  • Show Instagram users in your area

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  • In-app camera

Screenshots of Instagram for Mac

For any queries about Instagram App for Mac, please comment below. Stay tuned with us for more updates. Thank you.

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