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News (Newspaper) - October 15, 1934, Frederick, MarylandI M W W TODAY Weather Forecast Partly varan Tuesday fair. tOk UI.-MO. 1. (AT) FfttOtEIOK, MD, MOMDA7. OOTOBB1 16, 1984. TIM PAOBS FRIGE-TWO Murder In The First CITY COMMENCES Throws 5-Year Old Degree Verdict Ig-BHHHT OFChild To Her Death Asked By The State m m In Blazing Furnace Acquittal Of Two Testimony Begins In Trial Of Forrest And Selby For ing Ledwell. Past Two Weeks Have Been Allowed Public To Become Familiar With Ordinance. SUM OF TRANSIENT AT BRIDGE DESCRIBED Says He Was Home Night Lindbergh Baby Was Stolen. MEMORY THEN FAILS HI POLICE INSTRUCTED TO NOW TAG All VIOLATORS Miners Committing Mass Suicide Make Call For 345 Coffins Many People From Railroad Town Here To Attend Hearing. A mdict of murder in the first de- was the State's request of a Cir- cuit Court jury this morning as Knory B. Selby, 38, and Artie 'King' Forrest, 29, both of Brunswick, went OB trial for the slaying of Jack L. Ledwell, 23 -year-old transient from Jonesboro, Tenn., last August 29. Counsel for both Selby and net asked for acquittal. Selby was described as a big drink- cxmaed man who ran amuck with a paring knife and knew nothing of what be was doing as he butted into quarrel at 'loafers' paradise' under Brunswick bridge. Forrest was described as a man who bad been drinking only slightly, but who was first accosted by the transient before the two began to grapple. Forrest plans to testify that be shouted to Selby: 'Qet out of this is my The fight, which several eye-wit- nesses saw, took place about 4.20 in 'the afternoon. Ledwell died at Monte- vue hospital about 730 the following morning. He bore two stab wounds superficial wound in the back and 4-inch cut in the lower right lung. The latter, Dr. B. O. Thomas, examin- ing physician, testified today, caused his death. Knife Exhibited The State .showed the lurv a small paring mile wmcn was lound oesiae tat bridge. Selby is not expected to deny possession of the knife One and one-half hours were re- quired to complete the drawing of the Mew York, Oct. 15 Richard Hauptmann testified before Supreme Court Justice Ernest K. L. Hammer in Supreme Court, Bronx, today that he was at his East 232nd street home in the Bronx the night of March 1. 1932, when the Lindbergh baby was kidnapped. Asked by his counsel whether he re- calls 'the first day of March. 1932.' Hauptmann testified without hesita- tion that he remembered taking his wife Irma, who preceded him on the stand, home from a Bronx lunchroom where she worked that night. He remembered clearly also, he said, taking her to work that morning. The prisoner said he called for his Mayor Enforcement Of Doubto, Two-Hour, 15-Minute And Night Parking. of foc motorists came to Ita close today with the banning of a police policy of strict enforcement of traffic laws. Mayor Lloyd C. Culler issued orders lo the police to tag all violators of the traffic ordinances, placing special emphasis upon: Double parking Two-hour rmrktnr. Fifteen-minute parking. Night parking. Observance of traffic lights. 'Since the two-hour parking limit went into effect October 1 In the Mar- ket and'Patrick street Mayor Culler said, 'the police have avoided Tagging automobiles parked in viola- Young Laborer Of Mt, Vernon, N. Yv Tells Of Cremation Plans For Alumnae Loyalty Fund Discussed. TRIBUTE TO MISS THOMAS Tiny Gold Ring, Few Bones And Child's Wrist Watch Found. Reports from 13 of M Hood Col- lege clubs in various citiei, plans for the alumnae loyalty fund and other matters were discussed Informally at th; meeting of the Alumnae Council j held Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock i In Alumnae Hail. The meeting was presided over by vice-president of the association, who has been acting president since the Ill- ness and death of Miss Edith M. former president. Mrs. Mc- CONFESSION SECURED BY POLICE DEPARTMENT of the kidnapping, had supper there and went home with his wife, remain- ing home that night. James M. Fawcett, defense counsel, completed his direct examination of the witness before one o'clock and a recess was taken until later in the aft- ernoon. Although Hauptmann testified un- hesitatingly that he remembered tak- ing his wife home on the night of the kidnapping his memory failed when he was asked whether he worked for the Majestic hotel In March. 1932. His counsel pressed the point and at length Hauptmann replied 'as far I can remember I worked every day.' 'But you don't remember exactly what days that check was in payment Fawcstt asked in reference to a check hs had Introduced in evidence, dated March 31, 1932 and made out to Hftuptmann by the hotel. 'No. I Hauptmann replied. 1 The prisoner's alibi was given in a j quiet manner shortly before the recess. I Haimfmann e-inM nnt whether he had gone to the hotel or a Sixth avenue labor agency to look for wife 6 and 7 p. m., the night t'on of it. Instead, the police have been placing courtesy cards on each. automobile, referring to the new law j pnd inviting the co-operation of the public. 'The observance of the law has been very good up to Fair week, but the increased traffic brought many viola- tions of it and other laws. We feel now that the period of grace has been sufficient, and that the public should be acquainted with the park- ing laws. 'The police will be instructed to tag violators, beginning at once.' Extends Time For Amber. The Mayor made particular refer- ence to the traffic lights at intersec- tions along Market and Patrick ttreets, and said that too manv mo- torists have been watching the red and green lights only, but have been moving with the amber light. 'The amber light Is for the safety of pedestrians, and no automobile has a right to move at an Intersection until the green is Mayor Culler said. 'Any motorist who vio- 11113 law may 10 ut m- tested.' work but he was sure hs Had taken his i The that the Hauptmann told the judge tha- Jury, because of the many challenges. ,.as her largely by the defendant Forrest, to ner BS n. did on members of the regular panel and to I 'nights. talesmen. Associate Judges Arthur D. Willaitt and Charles W. Woodward are pre- siding at the session, which is expected to last late into today. The court room was practically filled with spec- tators, many of whom are from Bruns- wick. A preliminary hearing in the case was held September 5 last before Jus- tke Guy K. Motter, this city. Justice Hotter held both defendants for ac- tion of the grand jury, nhich subse- quently indicted them. They have been held in jail without bond. Mail Carrier Saw Fight Selby's contention that he was too drunk to form any criminal infcen: received a jolt from the third witness called by the State. The witness was George Pendley, a mail carrier be- tween LovettsviUe and Brunswick. Pendtey testified that he saw Selby walk away aiier tne ngni cne same as anyone else.' He could not tell, however, he testified, whether Selby was drunk, or to what extent. Pendley said he saw Selby wield the knife, stabbing Ledwell in the back after Forrest had caught the tran- sient and held him. Similar testi- mony is expected to be given by Dean Mafmlis, Brunswick youth who ac- companied Pendley across the brldee. After delivering his mail. Pendley be returned to the scene and was buei'e wuen iuiifici AII.J..IICI sfent. found the knife. He Informed Brunswick authorities, who arrested the two men. As Ledwell staggered away bleeding after the ftMrest stepped aid him. Ledwell replied, me any more. Both In the presence My Walter county authorities. Ledwell iden- tified both Selby and Forrest at Montevue hospital. The identification took place in the evening, and Led- well was then of rational mind. Dr. Tfeomas testified, although he had been informed that he would not re- cover. was Dera who was FIVE NEGROES KILLED WHEN AUTO HITS BUS All In Machine Die In Acci- dent Near Aberdeen. Aberdeen. Md Oct. 15 f negroes were fatally injured here this morning when the automobile in which they were riding collided with a heavy passenger bus. Three of ths negroes were killed out- system will be slightly revamped so as to extend the present time allowed by trie ambfr lights, which is felt to be too short. Other Regulations. The new two-hour parking limit cpplies to both sides of Market and Patrick streets the former between Fifth and South, and the latter be- tween Bentz and Carroll. It is in cf- tect from 8 a. m to 5 p. m., with a time extension to 10 p. m., Saturday uiifhts. The fifteen-minute parking limit applies to the yellow lines on all ttreets. Double parking is prohibited except in certain instances of trucks used for commercial purposes. Brld; was asked to act as president until next June, when the annual election will be and also is chair- man of the finance committee. Con- tributions annually for Hood College alumnae and termed the loyal- ty fund will be used from November until June, 1933. for the establish- ment of an Edith M. Thomas alcove in the Joseph Henry Apple Library. It was decided. Each year, it was stated, th? fund may be used for a different purpose. When inaugurated two years it was for the purpose of raising funds for the Apple Library and In the past two years has been given far that purpos; by former Hood students. Classes have discontinued pledging sums toward the Building and En- dowment Fund of the college snd alumnae will not be askrd specifically to contribute to that causs at the present time, emphasis now laid on the Edith M. Thomas alcove, it was stated. Th: rating of the col- lege depends largely on Its endow- ment. number of buildings, etc.. but BUrf P1T1 b: Included In that phase of the col- lege's development, attention Is being directed to that pioject. Last June, the class B.' 1021 paid !n fur. Its contribution to the Endowment Fund, at which time a check for j 000 presented to Dr Apple far I the college. Reports Made A brief report for the alumnae schclarshios and prizes committee was given by Miss Mary Rhoads, this city. chairman, who stated that plans are beins mads for new scholarship ap- plication blanks. The Alumnae As- sociation offers two full tuition scho- larships tach year. The report of the social committee, as sent by Mrs. Frances Good Crilly, Allentown, Pa., stated that a most successful pro- a; ram occurred lasl June. An unus- Little Girl Became Un- conscious After Fall In Basement. Ransom Money Sent To Nashville, Tenn., To Be Paid For Liberty. NO APPEAL TO ABDUCTOR WAS BROADCAST SUNDAY Refusing To Work For A Week, AI Under Ground Fact Said To Be Woman May Be Hidden In Cave Section. i Wartime President Of France Was 'Just Worn Out.' 'Good-Bye To The i Says Message Sent From i Deep Pit JQUIT AS PREMIER IN 1929 Mt Vcrnon, N. V, Oct. 15 Police said today that Lawrence Stone, husky young laborer, had con- fessed throwing five-year old Nancy Jean Costlgan into a huge apartment house furnace. A tiny gold ring, a child's wrht match and a few blackened bones were removed from the furnace yes- terday sfter the six-foot, oil fed flames had been turned off. They were all that remained. A trail of blood ta a basement was interpreted by .police mute testi- mony of a brutal assault but Stone's confession, as announced by police, said the girl was hurt in a fall, Stone, discharged laborer at the apartment house, was quoted as con- fessing he had been playing with the child in the basement had hit her with a rubber ball. She fell, he said, striking her head on the concrete floor. Then she 'turned blus.' Stone started to carry the child up- stairs, the confession continued, but became panic-stricken. He threw her into the flames. Blood smeared on his led to the trrtst of Stone, who Is 24. He insisted during hours of questioning that he knew nothing of the slaying, right and two ethers died in a law- Parking has been prohibited on the attendance of alumnae vest side of the 300 block of North wishing to attend the last events pre- Bentz street, at all times. Parking in alleys is a violation of j de Grace hospital shortly afterward. Eleven of the 20 passengers in the bus suffered from, bruises and cuts from Hying (tlass but none were in- jured seriously. The coroner's investigation will be held lat; today. The dead: Roberts and her daughter, Helen: Florence Pumell. Baltimore; W. N. Fisher, Baltimore; Bcimg Effected TWs For Talbot Roberts, Pratt Md. I The night parking regulation pro- vides that no machine may be parked in a street or alley between 1 and 5 a m. Specific fines aie presided by ordinances in all cases. SECURITIES READJUSTMENT sided over by Dr. Joseph H. Apple as president of the college was noted then. Plans for the evsnts at the ntxt commencement now are being made Miss Nora Yost. Philadelphia. is chairman of the membership com- WOULD CHANGE NAME OF EPISCOPAL CHURCH i mUtce. from which a report was re- Miss Mary Grace Helfer-steln, execu- tive secretary- of the Asso- CAtion. attended the first council mretmg since from a long illness. Miss Helfenstein returned to du'.ies during the summer Counc.lors present at the nuet'lng and th? club? they represented were: Readjustment of the securities is- i Mrj D3rolhr Hermann Reid. Balti- Louisville, Ky. Ort 13 fifth day, the moat portentous for Alice Speed Stoll since wm kid- napped, brought the brllff today thnt the family has established contact with the abductor. Those in position to know agreed that the fifth day played an import- ant part In the ransom note. Pmm hove kidnapper iiuendrd to kill the young society matron if at that time he had not received the ransom and made his way to safety. It was pointed out significantly that Sunday was the first day since the kidnapping on Wednesday that passed without an appeal by radio to the kid- napper. Thr ransom money has been dispatched to Nsshvillr, apparently to be called for there or forwarded else- where. With all law forces of the nation massed in a hunt for the young woman, the primary considera- tion wai still for her before making an arrest or even estab- lishing a case. Most promising of the clues so far discovered seem to be that suggested by the reported sighting of a woman who looked like Mrt, Stoll In Warren county, halfway between Louisville and Nashville. It was in this direction that Stoll drove furiously last Friday. The section Is honeycombed with caves. Beneatli every hill and open- Ing into every valley they lie In hun- dreds The region Is wild and sparsely settled. GOVERNMENT AFRAID TO SEND TROOPS DOW Fear Enraged Men Wilt Atttote And Kill Them With Pickaxes. TRUCK AFIRE CallM Blase De- Damage of several hundred dollars was caused to a two-ton truck of the Maryland Transportation Company which caught fire about 12.10 this I tfler m spectacular physical comeback, afternoon as It was dtandlng bfulde I Two yrBT, sfn doctor-; piv him up for lout RAYMOND POINCARJS Paris, Oct. 15 (AP) Polncare. one of the last of France's World War figures, died quietly at 3.30 o'clock this morning. The wartime President and 'savior of France' ten years later was 73 years old. The shock of the Marseilles assas- sination may have hurried the end. M, Polncare grieved over the disas- trous event, fur hr knew King Alex- nrider well ami Louis Barthou was his life-long friend. Death came at his home here after a short Illness. Tht elderly statesman had expected to leave shortly on his annual winter trip to the Riviera. rtiumuuii viuuftiiy in puuucm tiremcnt since he resigned as premier In Polrrrrr ft art to K oVrmrtnrwitiil council Brut Peces. Hungary. Oct. IS Lung hours or silence from those tlMl were left of 1.200 CDS! miners, whfl> threatened suicide in a black ulna B 1.000 reel underground, caused for the norst this afternoon. 'We arc determined to die, stnut in Oood-bye to the This, together a request 349 coffins, was the last that had heard from them. That this morning. At 2 o'clock this Afternoon merit officials wished to semi to the bottom of pit to force strikers to the surface at the or bayonets ami guns, and put an Ml to their threat of self-elimination I'M wsge demands of a week aft m.-t. But the fact that the mitt valor holds only IS men thus far prevented the government from i any strps, since authorities fwntf starving and enraged miner! attempt to butcher the Wttl pickaxes. Terrible scenes were reporUd the dark subterranean chant. hunger-striking minen haft duped M haurs of steady finement because mine to irivj them more titan two play men t wfekly and pay mart UMHfc II I A II it J i J -TRUl CJHiUC, Mi CI1 HOOd College President Ad- Fire headquarters. the company's warehouse at 27 De- Orange street. The truck had come In from a run and was loaded with empty milk cans, officials of the company stated. The Mipponedly orlglniitlnR from a motor short-circuit, was discovered by Paul Strlne. an employe, who notified dresses Ministerial Assn. 'WHAT THE CHURCH MEANS' THE WEATHER TODAY Precipitation for 21 hours ending 'What The Church Means To Me' was the theme of an Interesting ad- dress by Rev. Dr Henry I. Stahr, president of Hood College, at the reg- ular monthly meeting of the Freder- ick County Ministerial Association held at 10.45 o'clock this morning at Y M C A Emphasizing four points, worship, the educational phase of religion, evangelism and fellowship. Dr. Stahr i inches; ac'.utl, October, A general alarm was sounded, to which the companies responded. Thf blaza was extinguished in a short time by the firemen, but not until Rfier the sides of the truck had been badly burned. t 7 a. m today none. Precipitation, October to .53 inch. 'Hr was Jmt worn they said today. Mr. William O. Zimmerman, West Third street, who had been quite 111 at the Wllmer Eye Institute, Balti- more. Is much improved, and Mrs. Zimmerman, who had been In Bal- timore near her husband, has re- turned home. government to the company owning the mine, m which Austrians and Britlahen aft heavily interested, to meet erV demtnd. fearing It might lead complications with foreign gcrstm- ments, it would also lead. authnrtttH to similar strikes for wagi creases among miners throughout country. Early today the miners Mpfr- up a request for 345 coffins. The villagers, tense and excited, terrireted this to mean thai threatened mass ccdenl In capital-labor a wai already partly accomplished. Administrator Praises Work Of Relief Carried On Here Frederick county has been compli- mented by Harry P. Oreenstcln, State tober 1 Federal Relief Administrator, on Its record during the period of investlga- 1n 1H54 nrtvlpiutlon to (V-i tlon of relief administration cases In 3.08 Inches Cecil, Wicomlco, St. Mary's, Mont- Normal October 58 gomeryi Fredcrlck and Allegany coun- adequate for use over a long ptriot time.' Between 700 and MO men arc ing on special emergency projects If laborers, they receive 10 can work, therefore, do so la for the Federal relief Instead of Atlantic City. Oct. 15 change in the name of their church sued by the Talbot Farms Company, aoout of which sre ncia in i Frsdsnck county, it is said, is boing I _. holders gone out on Saturday.! Under the new plan adopted by unan- stated that the archit'cture snd oiher physical characteristics of the church Important, but the worship ele- ment was more vital than tny. In regard to the educational phase of the church, he spake of the Ten Com- today was definitely placed among the ;mous consent of the investors In the i Hn to thc. company, the old mortgage is released. wn' Mrs. Nellie McCardell HofT- i mandaients. the Apostles' Creed, the Cumberland Valley: Miss Mary j Sermon on th? Mount and the Lord's Rhoads. Frederick: Mrs.' Lucille Ben- I Prayer, which were given as basic elc- Pilgram. Harriiburg. Pa.: Mrs. Richard- New York: Miss Mar inches High temperature High temperature a year Low temperature lait Low temperature a year Sun sets 33 p m. Sun rises a. m Moon rises p. m. Moon sets p. m. 31, b York state 1m estimators. It was learned____ today. Of cases investigated 166. j aljo for clients.' Mrs. i or nearly one-.sixth of the total, were in Frederick county, and only 2 6 were questioned, it was slated by Mrs. Staff Activities Relief aides here spend four in the field visiting families and iKucnte Bowman, director of the j Bnd days each rial rmcu.-ncy r.elirf in Frederick j offlce visits to the county, with lu-HdqUaitrrs in the F. F. receiving relief are not Car, MIriwn Rev. J. Frank Fife and Fife, i tauRh president described as the guiding influence In Woodsboro, left today for Savannah, the development of the Kingdom. Ga.; where they will attend the con- John W. Fisher. WalksrsviHe. i vcntlon of R3ben APPlc This would eliminate the word j ;hus in the Scries B for ac- 'Protestant' from the title. The i intcrrst on the old bonds. In- question is on: of the outstand.n? Issues of the 'high church' vs. 'low church' controversy and the corn- tercst on the series B payable when and as bonds b: tar.icJ. Tnc first coupons of the A bonds due miltee's proposal today was definitely 15. 1934, and are bsing pa.d. of the 'high church' stamp. The Talbot Farms j owns about 3.000 acres of land, situated Saturday nisht in private dining Bolt. Rev. Dr. and Mrs Charles E on Rorkucll Terrace, after a trans- room of the France Scott Key hotel j Wehler. Rev. Dr. O Williams and continental trip to the Northwestern i ,n honor of Dr and Mrs. Henrr I. i Williams. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. i states. Banff and Lak- Louise. Wnllr I Stahr. those present being gussts of Amos J. Travrr. Sister Lukens in Chicago, they attended the j- which is known as the Frcdenck County Welfare Board. No cases In Frcclenrfc countv were considered questionable by the In- vcitigators except two in Brunswick snd several in this rity. and the Fred- erick eountv organi7.ation was crrrtit for having made a special effort to rr.Jik' budge' meet the change in needs and it nas said The only r.ises In this v.rmh were at all were those wtK'.o iclirf in rx- cess of nitre subsistence was nlloucd persons deemed of 11, it was the Alumnae ittf Pendley to the stand Lowery. Brunswick youth TOfTH HURT IN AtCiDt.NT Frank Bentz. Jr. 15. of near Boons- Queen Anne., rounds. STOCK MARKET WAITS Rev. Dr. Henri L. O. Kleffer. Rev. and j Mrs. DeWitt f. Zuse, Miss Dorothy E. j Partlngton. M.SS Anna M SrhautK. i mobile in which was to Ha- gerstofta was swerved by ths driver to avoid a dog aad struck a telegraph pole in Hagerstown Friday fee time of the fight He testified that he was 40 feet from the scene i of the fight, and saw Selby hold a .katfe in his hand as he got up oft' Ledwtll, a smaller man. Lowery testified that as Leoweli first to run from Selby and For- me, he turned and drew from his picket pint bottle, which he threw at the two men. It missed both and VM shattered against an abutment r' by Seiby. was the shct which sUrted i Forrest, and seven minutes were used on his madman rourse. The! bv g. Austin James, who accuses Forrest ot calling to i Selby. _, _ i at the County Mcapltal.: H? was t passenger in the oper- ated by Mr Walker, nho es- products from are purchased by th; Talbot and Preset j-.g Company. The advantage of the new financial set-up, according to the pro- that ;t places the farms in the hands of right 'or management. interest lie In paying the bondholders in The binds Mrs w cnucTuiur rn i ICT IT n rs SOMETHING TO LIFT IT Ferry; Rev. and Mrs Elmer New York. Oct. 15 stock market settled down today to wait for something to etve It another lift and prices generally milled about in a rela- and mildly irregular range. P. Srhildt. Keymar: Rev. and Mrs E W. Union Bridge: Rev. and Mrs. C. H Rev. and Mrj B I Westminster: Rev. and Mrv W. E. Nelson. Thur- mont: Rev. and K. Ely, frederxk: Rev and Mrs. L. S Du- caped unhurt, and on the isy to nil riaflnor rac UIBD rncc a Boy se.uit mee'ing i BALTIMORc GAS WAR GOES ANOTHER CUT IS MADE News of interest to the Cities divi- Clarksburg: arrf Mrs. slon was spoUy and traders ap- Jsmes C Walker. Frederick: Rev. snd peared to toave donned th-lr coats of' caution. to catch the M Ledwell An opening statement of nine min- made by the State's Attor- The Jury: William H. Steinhaui. Francis L. Kennedy, CUfford O. Mil- ler. N. Wilson SchJey, Henry K. Cram-1 a gallon, making the net reduction 5.1 Jchn W. Miller. Reverdy Lronen- Oct M CAP> more'x gMolire continued today as a small group <rf independent deal- ers cut prices an additional one-cent Grains rallied briskly after early but eotton wltbont i pulimg power. Bonds were quiet and falr'v The dollar to mote up against leading Buropean currcnctet. F. R. Rev. and Mrs C O. Bonder. Orsccltam: Rev. and Mrs A. F Tablet, LovettA- vute Va Hev atxi Mrs. Jann Ao- Rev Mrs. A S Pf-'.f. V.i R-v Mrr Frfderx-k: and Mrs. R S Wcjbr.ght, Thurmont: and Conner. Jefferson: Rev. and J Frank Fife. Woods- boro; Rev. and Mrs. R Bow- man. and Mrs. W. B.ez.1; Elliott Rev snd Mrs. S. R. Frederick. Dr B Frederick: ind Mr.'. C. E. Drj'den. Buoceysiown: ftev. Harvey S Adamstown; Rev. and H. E Tr.urmonl: Rev. and Mrs. H. C. Erdman. BarkittsviKe, P. H. Union Bridge; Rev. and Mrs. T. M. Dickey. Bruns- vtiCit. K.v. anu L. J. Rev Artliur G Null and M.5 flJlo-Aftncec arc to be for frod nr.d for to cook food, but in eavs i- imperative rrcersene' rlothme. and fifty families in this city in Brunswick, where iC railroad men has caused a are among those assisted. city is divided Into four namely. North of Patrick add Market: south of Patrick Market; south of Fourth_____ east of Market, and north of VttHtfc si: ceo and of Market. Miss Mary Lee Oayer, fonneiy the Administration Relief in C'.c'.clar.d. O, has arrived ai siiperMsor of six aides; white Bowman, mho is from supervises seven, and Mrs, p-rct Sager James, this dtf, Mrs. SBger was formerly In .she was engaged In work. Miss Monica Haller, member of the staff, has beta ,-.MX icrrea 10 Cumoeriarra. vidcd. The total runibfr of persons of relief aides. In thi< fo-iniy reccivinc Frd-ra'. relief training tat 1 Ls- apprf-ximalr'.v 7480 or 1700 fam- t ,n tne Khool of lilies :o families verity of Chicago. State h last March. The minimum or re- n.nK 'to incremle of Um fotlnv.-. definitely expand tUeJr social person'. weekly, three in-, it t rliKiinc Dfirents and child. 90. four persons. parer.ts and i txcff4r4 10 per cent of the two children. fixe persons. In- lt rtated. Hie 1 parents and three children, and four and includlnB parents five rnildren. It inr pt-i'-oii in tion lias axAilable garden nr a a gallon since last Tuisday. Messrs. William O. Kolb, J. W. M7 as Uw case opened. A statement burg. Hsrry E. Albtufb. Charles S. of desVers. howtter Donnan and Albert M. CoWrnt: jp nt of two minutes' length was made ,by Houck. Jr.. William A. Miller, Donald did not cut the 41 cents re- Friday touring the Skyline drive in fWrtck M. ScbBMiffcr, attonqr te J L. Dm and Mltton si Alwn. 1 anaowoed vwfc. Mac Ktdft ramt U Virfinla. R-v xnrt Mrs t, R John C. Rev. and Tabor. Rev. Russell C.; deducted from the allowance, it was J. W. Fisher. WalkersvUle; Hev. j Dyer, Rev. and Mrs. C. N Fnuhour.! explttned. The Individual budgets and Mrs. T. W. Lloyd, Walkmulfe; Myersvilk. and Mrs. John S. were said to Rev. and Mrs Nelson C. Brown, Walk- Bowlus. Burkittsvtlle; Rev. J. M. Bur- by the Rev. and Mrs. E. D. Bright. Market: Rev. and G. H.' Labor r. .7 fl.-r.'on. Rev. snd Mrs. R L.OITI. Tnu-nnr'., and Sivd Mrs. H. L. CoBman, Mount Airy. this county now 1 persons. Including parents tlrely Federal funds, tte appropriated by thfc city haring been exnsmsted. mtssioners hate been M of the welfare __ make new Mr Mrs C. H Car'. Sib lUn.lle. nnd 8. Ear! Mitcbell, BrownsvlUe, Rev. r. C. cover definite items sug- _______..---------- U S. Department af I as boir.g sufficient ir. food Jin. WUBaB B. JaOM, j and thf Irreducible nirounts repre-; Is Improrinc nkeetf IbOowtaf 1 sent quantitira b-low vhich no diet j operation at I should fall, and they nay not
  • A statement burg. of desVers. Howtter Donnan and Albert M. CoWrnt: jp nt of two minutes' length was made,by Houck. Miller, Donald did not cut the 41 cents re- Friday touring the Skyline drive in fWrtck M. ScbBMiffcr, attonqr te J L. Dm and Mltton si Alwn. 1 anaowoed vwfc. Mac Ktdft ramt U.
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Top 5 Free DVD Player Software for Mac

1. Apple DVD Player

To use Apple DVD Player for Mac, simply insert your DVD-Video disc in the computer and it will automatically display the disc’s DVD menu screen. You need to use your mouse to select items on the menu items. You can also use navigational buttons using the DVD Player Controller. If set to full screen mode, you will not be able to view the screen menu bar but can easily access by moving your pointer to the screen’s top. To change window sizes, select size from the view menu or video menu on Mac OS X v10.6 and earlier. To play a movie, click on Play Movie while in the DVD menu. When you play DVD with the DVD Player Controller, you can turn subtitles on or off, skip chapters, fast forward or rewind, stop, pause and much more.

  • Pros: Comes bundled in Mac machines.
  • Cons: You need to have a built in optical drive or external Apple USB SuperDrive that comes with a DVD Player.
  • Platforms: Mac OS X 10.5 and above

2. VLC Media Player

VLC Media Player is one of the most popular DVD player software for Mac and Windows. To play a DVD disc with VLC Media Player, open the File menu, choose Open Disc from the resultant menu item. While in the Open Disk Dialog Box, select DVD. When reading the DVD you have the option to enable DVD menus through selecting DVD Disc Type from the wxWidgets Interface. In Mac OS X interface, you can accomplish the same by selecting Use DVD menus. Select the drive that contains the DVD you want to read, through providing the related drive letter or name of device in the Device Name input box. On Mac OS X, this is automatically detected. Click Ok to start playback.

Sivd Player For Mac Download

  • Pros: Easy to use, flexible, lightweight and has support for HD and BluRay discs.
  • Cons: The user interface is basic and is slicker in Mac versions.
  • Platforms: Mac OS X, Windows

3. Mac Media Player

Mac Media Player could be the best DVD player for Mac to enjoy DVD movies. For starters, you need to select it as the default DVD player in Mac. Open CDs & DVDs under Hardware and select ignore for item marked when you insert a video DVD. Insert the DVD into the driver; some DVDs are automatically launched while others will require you to open those using open buttons (Open File or Open Disc). To play a DVD ISO file, select the Open File button, navigate to the location of the file, and press on PLAY button to start playback.

  • Pros: Mac Media Player is a powerful high def video player with hardware acceleration capabilities.
  • Cons: Has the potential to use up plenty of system resources
  • Platforms: Mac OS X 10.5 to 10.9 for V2.9.2

4. MPlayerOSX

It is crucial to understand that MPlayerOSX package will install both MplayerOSX with SMPlayer as the front-end application. MplayerOSX is a binary distribution for Mplayer (Linux’ Movie Player) and is native to Mac OS X. Upon installation, you can then simply use drag and drop to play your DVD files in either full screen or window modes.

  • Pros: Lightweight, offers video compatibility is impressive and compares favorably with other players in the market.
  • Cons: MPlayerOSX offers no way to save playlists, while trying to access the menu, videos will pause and the software is unstable a few times.
  • Platforms: Mac OS X 10.5 and later

5. QuickTime

You can use QuickTime to open DVD movie files on hard disk or DVD. Use Finder or Windows Explorer and either double click on the file or drag it into the QuickTime Player icon. You can also select File from the menu options, click on Open, and navigate to the file you wish to play.

Vlc media player for mac
  • Pros: QuickTime has a slick yet easy to use interface, integrates well with OS X and the PRO version gives you the ability to edit and convert video files.
  • Cons: Slow while launching, it has been superseded by QuickTime X in Mac, requires regular updating to get maximal use out of it and is suitable for Macs.
  • Platforms: Mac OS X 10.3.9 or later, windows

Filmora Video Editor - Edit Videos in Any Format

  • You can edit videos/photos/audio in any format from any sources including mobile, camera, or online.
  • It allows you to easily cut, crop, trim, rotate, split combine videos or apply effects to video.
  • You can export video to specified format, to YouTube or mobile phones, or burn to DVD.

Sivd Player For Mac Os

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